2025 Production Application For:

Creative Team Positions

The submission period for Creative Team positions for Guys and Dolls has closed. Some Creative Team roles may still be available, please email joe@spotlightcastcrew.org with any inquires!

  • The directing team is responsible for creating a vision for the show and for assembling the stage pictures (blocking) for the show. The directing team is also responsible for working alongside all of the actors and helping them fully understand the text of the show so that they may portray their characters to the best of their abilities. All those who are selected to be a part of the directing team will meet with the directing mentor once a month for a meeting in which they will start to craft a vision and staging for the show leading up to the first rehearsal.

  • The choreography team is responsible for coming up with and teaching all of the choreography for the show. All of those selected to be a part of the choreography team are expected to attend a monthly meeting with the choreography mentor to develop all of the choreography for the show, leading up to the first rehearsal.

  • Our distinctive program offers aspiring music directors the unique chance to oversee the musical direction of a theatrical production. With the mentorship of accomplished theatre professionals, students will gain hands-on experience in coaching vocalists and leading music rehearsals.

  • The Stage Management team is responsible for creating a plethora of documents (schedules, run sheets, blocking diagrams, prompt book, call board materials etc) for the production, as well as calling the show and overseeing the overall wellbeing of the production and all of the production elements.

  • The scenic design team is responsible for creating the physical world of the show. All those selected to be a part of the scenic design team will participate in all production meetings with the production team and help to create the world of the show that the characters will inhabit.

  • The costume design team is responsible for creating a vision for how the characters of the show present themselves on stage via their clothing. All those selected to be a part of the costume design team will participate in all production meetings with the production team and help to create the world of the show that the characters will inhabit. Costume Design team members will also be responsible for creating costume paperwork and maintaining all costumes backstage throughout the run of the show.

  • The lighting design team is responsible for adding color, texture, and light to the world of the show. All those selected to be a part of the lighting design team will participate in all production meetings with the production team and also actively participate and assist with the designing and programming of the lights for this production.

  • The sound design team is responsible for designing how the world of the show sounds. All those selected to be a part of the sound design team will participate in all production meetings with the production team and also actively play a part in programming all mic and sound cues for the production.

  • Members of the tech crew are invaluable team members that make the show happen! There are many different roles that members of the tech crew can take on, such as: Followspot Operator, Light Board Operator, Sound Engineer, Deck/Props Crew, Hair/Make-Up Assistant, and Dresser.

  • Just wanna be in the room ‘where it happens’? Apply to volunteer with us and we will find you a job/task that best suits your skills and interests!